Hello everyone! Long time no update >.< I apologize for the lack of posts lately, but I have quite a lot of things going on. I just wanted to let everyone know that I am still around and haven't abandoned my blog completely. I am quite ill at the moment, but I am hoping that as soon as my health returns, I will be able to devote some time to making new blog posts! thanks for sticking around!
Thursday, January 10, 2013
Wednesday, August 1, 2012
Over 10,000 visits!

Monday, July 16, 2012
Sweets Shop review!
my first feelings when opening the beautiful pink box this shop comes in was pure excitement. I now own all three of the new JP 2012 buildings an I can hardly contain my excitement!
The first thing I noticed when opening the box was that the ceiling is grated like a cute little sun roof. Seriously, does it get any cuter than that?
here's the cookie sign inside the shop. don't mind all of the rips in mine, I told you I am terrible at putting stickers on! I wish it came with the stickers already attached.
The lollipops are lovely!
I am not sure what these things are, but they look delicious! I imagine the outside shell tasting like a waffle cone, because that's what it looks like! also imagining the inside is stuffed with some sort of bavarian cream and fruit stuffing.
these cookies are adorable and they look so yummy!
I think my favorite dessert in the set is the cupcakes. I know, not really original because their are other Sylvanian sets that come with cupcakes. but the icing on these look so different! and plus, who the hell doesn't L♥VE cupcakes?! I dare you to find me a person who hates cupcakes! They just don't exist!
I am really loving that the desserts have more of a re-ment feel to them. It makes this set differ from the other Sylvanian dessert sets, which I actually really love.
there was literally only the tiniest thing that I disliked about this set, and that was that the boxes weren't made with cardboard like they normally are, but instead it was like thicker paper. It was very difficult to put the boxes together because of this, which means I will probably not ever use them. I thought that was kind of strange because the boxes that came in the other two buildings were made with the cardboard like normal. however, the box thing is so minor and for me it doesn't at all change my feelings about the set. I'm glad I spent the money on this set and to happy to have it in my Sylvania!
...and so are my Sylvanians!
Friday, July 13, 2012
how cute is this? I am loving the sleep wear recently purchased.
I had been meaning to do a review on the Sweets Shop this week, but I just haven't had the time. I've been busy trying to teach myself how to live a healthy lifestyle, so I've been all tied up in meal plans and exercise dates. I am a creature of habit though and soon enough it'll all become second nature and I'll be back here before you know it!
Thursday, July 5, 2012
Some New Things
I'm so adorable with the way I'm always all "I need to save money, blah blah blah." and then these cute things come along in the mail a few weeks later.
I'm totally going to do a review on the Sweets Shop within the next few days, so look out for that. In the mean time I am just going to stare at these cute little wonders ( ノ^ω^)/
Saturday, June 30, 2012
Friday, June 29, 2012
Another New Display
Right now I am currently working on a new display for my Sylvanians. I'm hoping that this display with be able to stay out for people to actually see since my youngest son is now getting older an isn't touching my things as much as he used to. Though I still haven't figured out a place for it to stay permanently.
The bushes were so easy to create. I used fimo clay and gently molded them into the the shape I desired and baked them as directed. some were given little designs by hand, while others had the pleasure of having colorful roses glued to them with Gorilla Glue.
I have my pals over at Sylvanian-Families.net to thank for helping me out with the river. I had purchased "Realistic Water" and wasn't sure how I should go about sealing off the sides to keep the water in. But they all had some lovely ideas and everything worked out perfectly!
Heres a photo of the Toy Shop and Grocery Store in their planned place.
So, it's no where near finished yet, but it is coming along nicely and I'm so proud of it. Can't wait until it is completely finish!
And sorry for the low quality photos. I've been building the display in my dinning where there is little natural sunlight.
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